Criminal Matters

If you are being investigated or have been charged and arrested for a crime, then you’ve already experienced how denigrating and intimidating the experience can be.  If it is a friend or love one, that mental trauma you are observing is quite real.  You need an intelligent, experienced attorney who is fearless in the face of judges and prosecutors and will fight for your freedom and reputation.  Tolleson & Nash has just that reputation throughout Texas and brings that fight with them anywhere in the state.

Let our law firm investigate your case and determine what defenses exist on your behalf.  For instance, if drugs are at issue, how did the police obtain the rights to search in the first place?  If you’ve been arrested for DWI, was the stop itself legal, did they obtain evidence against you legally and did they have reasonable suspicion to arrest you initially? Is your video a trial winner or loser, and if the evidence is overwhelming how do you mitigate the damage?  While there are a multitude of potential charges for crimes out there, there are more defenses that will save you than there are charges.   Don’t take a chance with your freedom or your record.

We can’t provide enough information on this site to begin addressing all the problems out there.  You will find below a free consultation form.  Fill it out and an attorney, either Mr. Kim Tolleson or Mr. Shannon Nash, will personally call you back as soon as possible, likely within minutes, but certainly within 24 hours.  Even better, call our offices at (281) 350-3900.  Our phones are manned 24 hours a day, every day of the year, and an attorney will be paged immediately to return your call.  What you do during or immediately after your arrest can make a huge difference in the results, so call now.

What happens in a criminal case . . . what you can expect next.

The first thing that you need to know is that it is very unlikely that this is going to be a short term event.  In all likelihood, to adequately assert your defenses and to take the fight to the fullest, multiple court settings over a fairly extended period of time should be expected.  Very few cases are resolved to the defendant’s benefit in only one or two settings.  In those situations the available defense is so blatant that even the prosecutor agrees they can’t make the case or the case itself may be defenseless and punishment or fines must be mitigated or minimized. Your best approach to finding out what you are likely about to undergo is to give us a call today at (281) 350-3900.